Sunday, June 7, 2009


here are some pics from the last week. i did them in reverse of how they happened. here is "the boar" almost finished, just need some bordering.

then i had drinks with this asshole named michael, aka nigel. following by dinner with Courtney and some pretty Eskimo girl.

my mom acquired yet another cat. this one from the target parking lot. some asshole just left it in a box. we named him Kobe. which beat out my pick of Jin, Wang, Ling, and Li. I guess i will settle for premier japanese beef.

the owner of metro boardshop just got a triumph. its a 97 i think he said. a 900 if i remember correctly. fucking sweet. cant wait to get my own.

driving over the long bridge on the way to concord. home of the Duff man.

Golden Gate in the wee hours of the morning. after a night with cuddle bear filled with booze and food tha gave me heart attacks.

i shit you not. this is the patio at taco bell in pacifica. sweet huh. and the food is all priced like normal taco bell.

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